Logo Services SBC


Communication culture.

A sound, a word, an image. A song, a post, a clip.

A concert, a novel, a feature-film. An event, a conversation, a gesture.

Digital, analogue, direct, obscure. Painted, sent, played, written.

Always targeted, barrier-free.

Whether as a comprehensive concept, or an individual piece.

That is how we see it at services-SBC.


In a nutshell,

services-SBC draw their inspiration from the elixir of the written word -

capturing emotions: thrillingly, full of promise;

setting the right expression,

fascinated, real worlds are transported

with words, animatingly informative,

invitingly eventful – saying what needs to be said.


Everything is filmic.

Being able to see that special something and put it in the spotlight,

that’s what services-SBC do, and using

storyboards, motif and location- scouting,

suited clicks and tracking shots,

find expressive images that move the observer. 

Still or moving.


services-SBC manage, accompany, coordinate.

Sometimes alone, sometimes with a group of a hundred.

Sometimes loud, sometimes with soft tones.

Sometimes selective, almost always sustainable.

services-SBC put together the right team,

pull the strings in the background and

weave it all together into one great whole. 



